Parents Center North & South
You will learn information about pregnancy, labour and birth as well as parenting in those early months; information that is comprehensive and based on the very latest research. You will gain valuable practical skills and strategies for your pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.
Bookings: Bookings and pre-payment are essential (early booking is recommended)
Class Size: Limited to 12 couples. Duration of classes: 2hrs weekly for 7 weeks
All classes are held at the Home of Compassion, Murray Street, Island Bay or Karori & Cherrytree. 475 7550
Need to enrol online
$215 includes a one year membership to Parents Center
They also run classes postnatally such as Baby & You (
CPR ( and Sleep classes.
You will learn information about pregnancy, labour and birth as well as parenting in those early months; information that is comprehensive and based on the very latest research. You will gain valuable practical skills and strategies for your pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.
Bookings: Bookings and pre-payment are essential (early booking is recommended)
Class Size: Limited to 12 couples. Duration of classes: 2hrs weekly for 7 weeks
All classes are held at the Home of Compassion, Murray Street, Island Bay or Karori & Cherrytree. 475 7550
Need to enrol online
$215 includes a one year membership to Parents Center
They also run classes postnatally such as Baby & You (
CPR ( and Sleep classes.
Childbirth Education Class run by Midwives.
Location: Victoria University Level 8 of the Clinical Services Block Wellington Hospital
We cover pregnancy, birth, interventions, virtual hospital tour and baby care.
Included in the cost is our class booklet. A copy of our DVD is available if you miss any sessions.
Dates and total cost of the course is on our website. Please book online at
Calm Birth Classes
Imagine having the confidence and skills to birth calmly and naturally. Calmbirth® is a childbirth education program that offers you these, and in so doing supports your baby to enter the world in an aware and gentle way.
These 7-week classes provide everything you need to know about birth, babies and becoming parents, while connecting you with other parents-to-be. They include two course reunions.
Presented in conjunction with Domino midwives and natural health practitioners, the weekly classes include:
holistic preparation for birth, keeping birth normal, birthing with support, life with a newborn, breastfeeding, becoming parents,
sharing parenting experiences
Childbirth Education Class run by Midwives.
Location: Victoria University Level 8 of the Clinical Services Block Wellington Hospital
We cover pregnancy, birth, interventions, virtual hospital tour and baby care.
Included in the cost is our class booklet. A copy of our DVD is available if you miss any sessions.
Dates and total cost of the course is on our website. Please book online at
Calm Birth Classes
Imagine having the confidence and skills to birth calmly and naturally. Calmbirth® is a childbirth education program that offers you these, and in so doing supports your baby to enter the world in an aware and gentle way.
These 7-week classes provide everything you need to know about birth, babies and becoming parents, while connecting you with other parents-to-be. They include two course reunions.
Presented in conjunction with Domino midwives and natural health practitioners, the weekly classes include:
holistic preparation for birth, keeping birth normal, birthing with support, life with a newborn, breastfeeding, becoming parents,
sharing parenting experiences
Compass Health's Pregnancy and Parenting Antenatal Education Classes are free for you and your partner or support person to attend.
Held in two handy locations across the region, it is best to complete a series of classes before you reach 36 weeks, just in case your baby delivers early. Please bring a water bottle with you to the classes. To book, please contact us either by email - [email protected] or phone 021 444 139 Or check out our website - Classes are still free, and we have expanded our classes to online options and one-day sessions in Kapiti. Classes are also still held in-person in Newtown and Porirua. We also have free online newborn feeding classes monthly, as well as weekly baby feeding drop in sessions in Johnsonville at the Collective Community Hub, 33 Johnsonville Road on Mondays, 10-11.30am. Newlands and Tawa College Parents to Be Childbirth Education For mums-to-be (preferably in your mid-second trimester onwards). Learn all you need to know about pregnancy care, labour, pain relief, the birth process, breast-feeding, CPR and more. There are five weeks of pre-natal sessions at Newlands College and one post-natal session (at a date to be arranged). Total cost of the course $65 for 5 weeks or Free Breastfeeding Classes (Look at flyer on breastfeeding page on this website) : [email protected] o Class 1 ❖ How to latch your baby at your breast ❖ What are the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding? ❖ How does breastfeeding work? Class 2 How to hand express your milk What to expect from your breastfeeding baby What is a baby friendly hospital and how can we help you? Wellington Hospital Classes come as a pair and are from 6pm - 8pm Johnsonville Plunket classes are one 3-hour from 10am-1pm Kenepuru Hospital classes are one 3-hour session from 6pm-9pm |