Wellington Hospital
Delivery Suite is on the 4th floor and can be reached via the orange lift from the Foyer, and the red lift from the carpark and the out of hours entrance through the Emergency entrance to the hospital.
There are 12 birthing unit rooms which feature large round birthing pools, two nossle showers, lighting choices, entonox piped everywhere, birthing balls and bean bags, endless hot water and iced water and the added benefit of immediate medical back up should we needed it.
The usual stay for a normal birth is 2 nights and 3 nights for a caesarean section. Staying in hospital allows you to recover from the birth, and get some around the clock assistance with breastfeeding and caring for your baby. The midwifery staff at Wellington are a highly motivated experienced group of midwives who really work hard to give you practical advice and guidance in breastfeeding and care for your little one. Be sure to attend the Little Latch On classes held Mon-Fri at 1000 am in the Whanau room. While in hospital you have access to Penny and Maria our lactation consultants who are enormously helpful if encountering problems in the early days of breastfeeding.
Along with the mum & baby bags, you could bring your own pillow, a laptop, music (need speakers), heat packs, snacks (mainly for your partner), water bottle, extra hairband. Some things can stay in the car until needed later.
Entry to the hospital over night is restricted and authorised by the Orderlies. They are accessed by the red phone to the right of the red lifts in the basement carpark. Access can also be made by the AfterHours Entrance to the left of the Emergency Department (or to the right of the new hospital).
There are 12 birthing unit rooms which feature large round birthing pools, two nossle showers, lighting choices, entonox piped everywhere, birthing balls and bean bags, endless hot water and iced water and the added benefit of immediate medical back up should we needed it.
The usual stay for a normal birth is 2 nights and 3 nights for a caesarean section. Staying in hospital allows you to recover from the birth, and get some around the clock assistance with breastfeeding and caring for your baby. The midwifery staff at Wellington are a highly motivated experienced group of midwives who really work hard to give you practical advice and guidance in breastfeeding and care for your little one. Be sure to attend the Little Latch On classes held Mon-Fri at 1000 am in the Whanau room. While in hospital you have access to Penny and Maria our lactation consultants who are enormously helpful if encountering problems in the early days of breastfeeding.
Along with the mum & baby bags, you could bring your own pillow, a laptop, music (need speakers), heat packs, snacks (mainly for your partner), water bottle, extra hairband. Some things can stay in the car until needed later.
Entry to the hospital over night is restricted and authorised by the Orderlies. They are accessed by the red phone to the right of the red lifts in the basement carpark. Access can also be made by the AfterHours Entrance to the left of the Emergency Department (or to the right of the new hospital).
Wellington Hospital
Riddiford Street
Riddiford Street

Virtual Hospital Tour