Blood Tests
There is no need to organise any tests before you come.
There is a preliminary blood test that includes your blood group, antibodies, your Haemoglobin Hb (Iron) level, rubella, hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV, with your consent. This is sometimes ordered by your doctor if you visit them first in your pregnancy, but usually we order this on your first visit.
At approximately 12 weeks, there is a screening for Downs Syndrome, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18 which are all chromosomal disorders. This screening involves both a scan and a blood test, the results of which are sent to Canterbury. Here they work out a probability profile which comes back to us as a risk ratio. This is not a definitive test, but gives us a guideline as to who should have an amniocentesis to rule out this possibility. The amniocentesis carries a 1-2% risk of miscarriage and for that reason is not universally offered.
There is another blood test at 28 weeks to monitor your iron level, your iron stores and to exclude gestational diabetes. This test is an hour in duration. You will be given a 50g glucose loaded drink and then have your blood taken exactly one hour later. You can not eat,drink or chew gum in this time.
You may require further blood tests if there is any irregularities however for most , that is the second and final blood test.
There is a preliminary blood test that includes your blood group, antibodies, your Haemoglobin Hb (Iron) level, rubella, hepatitis B, syphilis and HIV, with your consent. This is sometimes ordered by your doctor if you visit them first in your pregnancy, but usually we order this on your first visit.
At approximately 12 weeks, there is a screening for Downs Syndrome, Trisomy 13 and Trisomy 18 which are all chromosomal disorders. This screening involves both a scan and a blood test, the results of which are sent to Canterbury. Here they work out a probability profile which comes back to us as a risk ratio. This is not a definitive test, but gives us a guideline as to who should have an amniocentesis to rule out this possibility. The amniocentesis carries a 1-2% risk of miscarriage and for that reason is not universally offered.
There is another blood test at 28 weeks to monitor your iron level, your iron stores and to exclude gestational diabetes. This test is an hour in duration. You will be given a 50g glucose loaded drink and then have your blood taken exactly one hour later. You can not eat,drink or chew gum in this time.
You may require further blood tests if there is any irregularities however for most , that is the second and final blood test.
You are usually offered two-three scans during your pregnancy.
The first scan, as previously mentioned is required for the antenatal screening, also referred to as the Nuchal fold and is performed in combination with a blood test. There will be a charge incurred for this scan between $25-$40. This is the only scan that incurs a charge.
The second scan is generally performed at 20 weeks and is also known as the Morphology or Anatomy Scan. This scan is focuses on all of the organs and bones of the baby, the fluid (liquor) volume, the placenta and the umbilical cord. They measure and plot growth and weight. You can find out the sex of the baby now if you can't wait!
I also usually do another scan at term for amniotic fluid and dopplers (placental flow) prior to going into the postdates period.
There may be other clinically required scans such as to monitor the position of the placenta or growth of the baby.
The first scan, as previously mentioned is required for the antenatal screening, also referred to as the Nuchal fold and is performed in combination with a blood test. There will be a charge incurred for this scan between $25-$40. This is the only scan that incurs a charge.
The second scan is generally performed at 20 weeks and is also known as the Morphology or Anatomy Scan. This scan is focuses on all of the organs and bones of the baby, the fluid (liquor) volume, the placenta and the umbilical cord. They measure and plot growth and weight. You can find out the sex of the baby now if you can't wait!
I also usually do another scan at term for amniotic fluid and dopplers (placental flow) prior to going into the postdates period.
There may be other clinically required scans such as to monitor the position of the placenta or growth of the baby.