Breastfeeding your baby
There is bountiful evidence that supports exclusively breastfeeding your baby for at least the first 6 months of life and up to two years with complementary foods and fluid. The longer your exclusively breastfeed the greater the benefits to your baby. Your body is perfectly able in 99% of cases meet the nutritional needs of your baby when s/he needs it. It is rich in antibodies that protect your baby from infections. There is many supports in the wellington community now to prepare and support you in breastfeeding your baby. The Little Latch On Class Conducted every week day at 10am between Pod C & D, this class has a video to watch and a Lactation Consultant available to observe and improve your breastfeeding latch. It is highly recommended to attend during your postnatal stay. Mumalicious Breastfeeding support network in the community available both antenatally and postnatally. Includes workshops for pregnant woman and their families followed by postnatal sessions for mother and baby offering practical information, support and reassurance. Classes discuss how you make milk, positioning and attachment, skin to skin, first few days, normal behaviour, overcoming challenges. www.mamalicious.co.nz Ph 02126 88 004 Antenatal Breastfeeding Classes in Chinese Mandarin Why choose breastfeeding, benefits and practical advice. Over two saturdays from 3pm-5pm Lower Hutt Hospital Antenatal Education Room [email protected] Phone 021 793 101 Parents Center Breastfeeding Classes Contact Parents Center North or South for more information. Visit either Island Bay or Karori Parents Center to find out about booking into this course through your local Centre or for further information on the wide range of parenting courses offered through Parents Centres in your area. Antenatal Expressing Ask about picking up an Antenatal Expressing Kit from 35-36 wks. This is the link to the study conducted in Melbourne, Australia https://www.latrobe.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/973486/DAME-brochure-for-participants-Final.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0dmYKlPcxyJihQ9HzFeB06HMmajaADcB7NE_qIg7snDRjyA9jQxHzKOYM Haaka Company I love this clever and innovative company. They have loads of eco friendly and well designed breastfeeding equipment and baby products. Check out some of their products including the haaka pump, silicone reusable syringes and ladybug silicone breastmilk collectors. www.haakaa.co.nz/collections/breastfeeding Liora Noy, an experienced lactation consultant who runs the Newtown Breastfeeding Centre and provides private home visits, is now also offering mental health support (counselling). She specializes in parents struggling to adjust to parenthood and with mild to moderate postnatal depression and anxiety (PND). Liora finished extensive training in women's psychotherapy and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). Fees are sliding scale. Virtual and face to face appointments. Contact: Email: [email protected] Phone: 021 355 041 Website: https://sites.google.com/view/lioranoy Instagram: @liora.noy Online resources - Mama Aroha It is our vision to create high quality and innovative breastfeeding tools that will enable health providers to empower all mothers to breastfeed. We aim to provide accurate and appropriate information that is set out in a way that is quick and easy to understand for both the mother and the health worker. www.mamaaroha.co.nz Kelly Mom This website was developed to provide evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting. I am the mother of three lovely children, and I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I hope that my articles are helpful and encouraging. https://kellymom.com |

Rona can see parents under the age of 25 y for free breastfeeding support at Evolve. She has appointments set aside on Friday afternoons specifically for breastfeeding (and parents and pregnancy issues). Women can just book through reception at Evolve, and do not have to be registered clients.
There is a young parents group at evolve on Friday afternoons. It's a relaxed group where the focus is on meeting other young mums and free afternoon tea is provided. Anyone can just turn up.
Check out the Evolve website here: http://evolveyouth.org.nz/what-we-do/
WellChild App
Nelson DHB have developed a new app for parents with MOH funding and the app was a collaboration between a Nelson software company, midwives, consumers and health care providers across the district working on behalf of the Top of The South Health Alliance.
The app has a mixture of information such as immunisations, nutrition etc. as well as the Well Child timeframes for well child cores and a place where people can put in their next appt etc. and they come directly from the Well Child-Tamariki Ora Health Book. It is intuitive to the extent that if you enter a child then all the dates for their immunisations and well child checks appear in the calendar and you can plot your babies weight/height=Length/HC onto the charts also.
The Well Child app is available as a free download from either iTunes or the Google play store. Plunket is not actively promoting it as we generally recommend parents go to our website for infromation but if you do receive any calls it is useful to know what is available for parents to support their decision making. For more info follow this link:http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/77392375/new-health-app-to-replace-plunket-book
Rona can see parents under the age of 25 y for free breastfeeding support at Evolve. She has appointments set aside on Friday afternoons specifically for breastfeeding (and parents and pregnancy issues). Women can just book through reception at Evolve, and do not have to be registered clients.
There is a young parents group at evolve on Friday afternoons. It's a relaxed group where the focus is on meeting other young mums and free afternoon tea is provided. Anyone can just turn up.
Check out the Evolve website here: http://evolveyouth.org.nz/what-we-do/
WellChild App
Nelson DHB have developed a new app for parents with MOH funding and the app was a collaboration between a Nelson software company, midwives, consumers and health care providers across the district working on behalf of the Top of The South Health Alliance.
The app has a mixture of information such as immunisations, nutrition etc. as well as the Well Child timeframes for well child cores and a place where people can put in their next appt etc. and they come directly from the Well Child-Tamariki Ora Health Book. It is intuitive to the extent that if you enter a child then all the dates for their immunisations and well child checks appear in the calendar and you can plot your babies weight/height=Length/HC onto the charts also.
The Well Child app is available as a free download from either iTunes or the Google play store. Plunket is not actively promoting it as we generally recommend parents go to our website for infromation but if you do receive any calls it is useful to know what is available for parents to support their decision making. For more info follow this link:http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/77392375/new-health-app-to-replace-plunket-book